The matter of diversity and inclusion in the workplace has been on for years, but, unfortunately, some companies are still unfamiliar with it. Crassula comes from a very flat area of the world where we can witness employers being unfamiliar of diversification in their teams. That is why we have to stress how important a diverse team is for business and the brand, and how can you achieve it.
Here are some absolute reasons why diverse team is good for your company:
You relate to your consumers more
Companies that have employees of different backgrounds have a better understanding of their various audiences, enabling to relate to them through their workers. This understanding allows to create valuable products appealing to (potential) customers. Whether those are of different age, gender, race, beliefs or social situation, people within your company are the ones who represent your consumers.
You expand your thinking and improve performance
Non-diverse teams are too common — and all have a common thinking. When you see a person who looks just like you, you don’t have a desire to challenge each other, because you presume at the start that your ideas are similar. At the same time, when you face a person with different background and experience, you start to as questions and create a conversation. Deloitte’s 2013 report found that employees that feel included in the company increase their ability to innovate by 83%.
You have more chances to create an A-class team
Should be hard to hire people with relevant skills when you only choose based on your bias. Imagine how many possibilities you open for yourself and potential employees when you avoid those boundaries! Along with all those advantages of bringing new ideas and improving productivity, you create a sense of belonging for people. And this means more chances of them staying in your company and caring for its success — the key for developing a professional team that knows your product to the core and is able to dedicate its forces to create an exceptional product.
Whether you are already working on diversity within your company or have been convinced just now, there are some simple things you can do to create an inclusive environment in the workplace:
- Make diversity a core value for your company. Create equal opportunities when hiring new employees and be transparent about hiring criteria. Train your current employees and hiring managers on the importance of diversity and explain the purpose of attracting industry minorities is in giving them a fair chance to get a job they desire for.
- Create a pleasant environment for newcomers. It might be even developing a mentorship program where more experienced employees help entry level workers develop skills needed for a better performance at your company. You have to ensure you are giving them opportunity to progress and show them you are interested in them learning and implementing new skills for the good of your brand.
- Be flexible. People with different backgrounds, experiences and mindsets require different things for their work. It does not mean giving more advantages to ones than the others, but working on disproportions that were already present before.
To sum up, diverse environment gives an incredible advantage of getting a wider perception on your own product, new ideas and one of most important things for you as a company lead — improves your brand image.
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